Sunday, October 6, 2013

365 Days of Toddler Style: Day 7-15

I haven't given up! I just haven't had the chance to sit and get on the blog. So here is a dump of posts with the little girl's outfits for days 7-15.

Day7: My baking help
 Fedora: Target
 Shirt: Target
 Leggings: "hand-me" downs
 Shoes: Target (she needs new shoes, right?)

Day 8:
 Shirt: Target
 Shorts: Target (Obviously we love Target)
 Scarf I was in the process of making her: from an old t-shirt of mine.
She was crying because she got frustrated trying to put a hat on.

Day 9: 
 Shirt: gift (I believe from Walmart)
 Skirt: Pick Your Plum

Day 10: This has got to be one of my favorite outfits. She calls these her "running clothes". She loves to be just like me. :)
 Headband: one of her mama's
 Shirt: gift (I believe it's from Walmart)
 Skirt: She loves wearing stuff days in a row :)

Day 11:
 Shirt: Target
 Leggings that are too small: Walmart

Day 12: This was the best picture I got of her, ha. She doesn't always like the camera.
 Sweater: Old Navy
 St. Patrick's Day dress: Walmart
 4th of July skirt: Walmart
 Socks and shoes: Target

I love her eyes!
 Day 13: The one and only picture I got of her this day.
  Jacket: Down East Basics (gift)

 Day 14: I love her colorful outfits!
 Beanie: made by a friend (here)
 Shirt: Target
 Skirt: Pick Your Plum

Day 15:
 Shirt: Target
 Leggings: "Hand-me" down

Saturday, October 5, 2013

365 Days of Toddler Style: Day 6

She's thrilled to have her picture taken.

To answer your question, no, no it's not yet cold here. She was making me sweat looking at her dressed so warmly. I tried telling her it was too hot for a sweater, but she did not care. Later in the day we went to the grocery store, and she actually switched the hat for a beanie! Crazy girl.

Fedora: Target
Sweatshirt: Old Navy
Tank top: Down East
Leggings: Target
Shoes: Target

Here's a closeup of her shoes. She loves shoes. They're only a few weeks old and already looking pretty worn.

And here is a picture of her tank top she had on underneath her sweater. I love it, but she's getting too tall for it.

Friday, October 4, 2013

365 Days of Toddler Style: Day 5

My kiddos love being outside. I think they could stay all day at the park, well E could at least.

I attempted to French braid her hair today.

I love her patriotic choice today. Other than the brown socks, I would say she did alright again today! Lots of polka dot looking patterns going on, but she pulls it off with her cute smile.

Onesie (that's right, she still has 1 onesie she wears): Costco
Ruffle Skirt: gift for Independence Day, I believe from Walmart
Socks and shoes: Target

365 Days of Toddler Style: Day 4

Didn't get my post up yesterday! But I did take the picture. It was a lovely morning at the park! I absolutely love this time of year. All summer long we have been going bright and early to the park to beat the heat, but it was still pretty warm. Now when we go, still early because my kids are early birds, it feels wonderful. Best Fall weather around.

I actually was pleased to see what E
 picked out yesterday. Other than the bright red socks and shoes, I think she did well. A little belt would've really helped to seal the deal. I especially love the jeggings on this girl (picked out by her daddy).

Dress (that is now too short but she loves to still wear it): gift for St Patrick's day, I believe it's from Walmart
Jeggings: Target
Socks and Shoes: Target

Sorry about the noise (graininess) in the pictures. I've been trying to improve my skills and didn't realize how grainy they looked till I got home.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

365 Days of Toddler Style: Day 3

Sorry for the poor lighting, busy busy day.
The day almost escaped before I could sneak a picture in. This is probably one of Ellie's favorite outfits. Pink and purple, her favorite colors, and a skirt. She loves skirts, because then she is a princess. She also loves her red polka dot shoes.

Shirt: Target
Bubble Skirt: Target
Shoes: Target
Necklace: ribbon with a bell (She actually loves this necklace. I threw it together for her last Christmas while I was decorating for the holidays, to keep her out of my decorations.)

And I have to sneak in a picture of her brother, because he is a prime example of baby fashion done right, right?? Polo and a diaper. He's rocking it.

I'm totally kidding and really need to dress my baby up.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

365 Days of Toddler Style: Day 2

Accessorizing. That's the word for today. As with the long sleeve shirts, Miss E will wear a beanie any time of year.
Today's outfit, shirt and shorts, was actually chosen by yours truly (we were running low on selection of clothes in the drawer). But Ellie picked out all of her accessories. She loves to accessorize.

Shirt: Target
Shorts: Target
Shoes: Target
Beanie: made by a friend
Necklace: Made by E in baby school (more to come on that)
Bracelet: gift from a friend

Also, today's photo shoot involved Ellie's shadow, aka her little brother. These two make me laugh!
He loves grabbing at his sister and taking her things. Pay back for her sitting on him.