Wednesday, April 13, 2011

What's Cooking?

I wish I could say I haven't posted anything new in a while because we've been SO busy with fun and exciting things... But then I'd be lying. So, this is pretty much just a little update on what we've been doing... or haven't been doing.

Well, this week I'm 30 weeks along! I am glad it's down to, hopefully, the last 7-10 weeks.
Me at 30 weeks (my face looks weird :S)
We went shopping last month for some of our first baby purchases. And I refuse to go again till the end of this month. For those of you who don't know I studied accounting, and both my parents have finance or accounting backgrounds. What's this mean? It means I'm cheap and try hard to save money and search for the best deals. Even if that means procrastinating what has to be done. So, all we have bought so far are 2 boxes of diapers and crib bedding. I left the store and wanted to return it all (happens quite frequently when I shop). I figured we could put the baby in a box with a blanket, or my sister suggested a laundry basket. She really won't know the difference as long as she's comfortable, right? (I really had these thoughts; maybe that makes me a bad parent already?)

Anyway, now I'm trying to see if I can make any of the bedding for cheaper. The only problem with this idea is that I am GREAT at starting projects or having a wonderful idea, I'm just really bad at finishing or following through. So, hopefully I can get at least an easy thing, like a dust ruffle for the crib, made before the baby comes.

So, really there isn't much else going on. With gas prices ridiculously high, a baby coming, and housing prices still pretty high here in the Seattle area, we find ourselves at home a lot trying to save money.

However, there is one other thing that is always on my mind: DINNER. I really despise coming up with dinner ideas for the week. I don't know why it's so hard for me, but it is. I like to come up with a week full of dinners, then I can make one shopping trip and hopefully save me time and money! But I also get paranoid about repeating meals. I could care less about eating the same thing over and over, or eating mac and cheese or ramen noodle. But there is someone else to feed in this home besides me. Not that he's picky, I just like to have variety for him.

And, I should mention, I don't really like to cook. My interest has grown some since I've been married. But I'm really really slow (Seriously, ask my husband. I look at a recipe and the estimated time and double it to know how long it'll really take me.) when it comes to cooking, or doing anything. (I can't help it!) So, the easier the recipe, the better. And the fewer the ingredients, the better for my wallet! It seems I'm asking for a lot, but I've been doing better at getting a list of meals each week. I'm keeping track of all the ones we like in hopes to collect around 90 recipes that we like. Then I can just choose from there, or create a 3 month schedule and rotate it, and this way no meal is eaten more than about 4 times a year! You all probably think I'm crazy, but I'm loving my plan. :) Life will be so much easier.

That was lots of writing! Sorry! Unfortunately not many pictures from the past month and a half. But we're hoping to take a small weekend trip in the next week or two, so maybe then I'll have something interesting to post about :)


Megan said...

Hey! I totally feel you on the cooking thing. I've had a bit more time to figure it out than you though. :) If you need some new ideas just email me and I'll send you a few. ( I have a lot of recipe that use very few ingredients (and are thus cheap) and are easy and quick to make. Seriously. I don't have your email so just send me one and I'll send you some recipes.

Oh and I can't believe that's all the bigger you are at 30 weeks. You and I are about the same size but I was way bigger... wait, that's because my child weighed 9 1/2 lbs. Consider yourself lucky that apparently yours will be normal size. :)

Ben and Raquel said...

Sooo...when you get that list of 90 recipes, why don't you send it over my way. Haha, I know how you feel! I actually like cooking but it takes me so long to figure out what sounds good.
You look SO good for 30 weeks! And I like your maternity shirt.

RitanSands said...

i still cannot believe how small you still are by far the smallest pregnant woman i've ever seen! you look fantastic by the way! and once the baby is born and you hold her in your arms you will forget about thinking cheap and will want to give her everything! at least for a little bit.

Nick & Dana said...

hahahah i hate coming up with dinner ideas!! you are so funny. hahah i can imagine you being a slow cooker ;) hahaha

Heidi said...

so lu...pretty much i'm not married, but my roomates and i make stuff in the crock pot one or two times a week and then eat that for the whole week. there are always good easy recipes on the internet though!