Friday, June 17, 2011

What's Going On

This week I am 39 weeks (due date is Monday!)! And we have been having lots of fun to stay busy and preoccupied. Mostly we've been doing last minute things to enjoy our time together and finish getting ready for the baby.
39 weeks

Monday night we went out to a movie with a great Living Social deal.

Tuesday I got sewing lessons from a lady in our ward. And she helped me make a dust ruffle for the crib! The crib is now completely ready. We also got a dresser, which was the last thing (I think) that we need for the baby room besides the baby.

Wednesday we were invited to a Mariners (baseball) game. We had great seats! And the Mariners won, so that was fun.
Great seats!
Mariners game

Last night we went out to eat as our last time with just the two of us. Plus with it being 3 weeks away from our anniversary, we decided it was our anniversary celebration too. We went to Cheesecake Factory and it was delicious as always. Matt ordered me a virgin Pina Colada because I've never had one; it was yummy!

And now we are just relaxing and waiting for the baby to make her appearance. The doctor told me it's all up to her at this point, so hopefully she doesn't keep us waiting too much longer. Especially since my mom comes into town tomorrow and her daddy has been getting very anxious for her to come! (I love how excited he is :))
Resting up for baby :)